Regasification Code and Updating Proposal Area

On April 4th, 2023, the Italian Energy Regulator ARERA approved with Resolution 144/2023/R/gas the Regasification Code submitted by OLT pursuant to Resolution of May 7th, 2009 – ARG/gas 55/09.


Last update


Last update

Updating proposal area of the regasification code
Title Date Status File

Proposal to amend the Regasification Code introducing the increase of the operational tolerance in the delivery of cargoes and the type of LNG that can be received by the Terminal, as well as the introduction of a 15-month slot schedule and the introduction of Small loading/unloading slots.

03/05/2024 Consultazione chiusa

Proposal to amend the Regasification Code introducing an update of the modalities required to unload volumes of LNG exceeding 155,000 liqcm, of the duration of the financial guarantees required for continuous capacity and, with reference to virtual liquefaction service, the possibility in case the quantities of gas object of the PSV transaction are traceable to biomethane production (thanks to the due certifications) to recognize that equivalent quantities of LNG within the Terminal are identifiable as bio-LNG.

24/10/2022 Approved by ARERA with resolution 144/2023/R/gas

Proposal to amend the Regasification Code introducing the Virtual Liquefaction service as provided for in Article 12 of the TIRG (Integrated text of the provisions on guarantees of free access to the regasification service of liquefied natural gas) as amended by Resolution 190/2021/R/gas.

07/07/2021 Approved by ARERA with resolution 474/2021/R/gas

Proposal to amend the Regasification Code that includes the introduction of Small Scale service, flexibility services referred to in Article 12 of the TIRG as well as modification introduced following the approval by the ARERA of Resolution 576/2020/R/Gas and annexes for the presentation of financial guarantees in case of multi-year booking already published during the Gas Year 2019/2020.

24/02/2021 Approved by ARERA with resolution 190/2021/R/gas

Updated proposal to amend the Regasification Code started by OLT on October, 4th, 2019.

05/11/2019 Approved by ARERA with resolution 85/2020/R/gas

Proposal to amend the Regasification Code previously approved by ARERA with resolution 110/2018/R/gas. The modifications include the clarifications published during the Gas Year 2018/2019 on OLT’s website and an higher flexibility for the Terminal Users related to the procedures of the allocation capacity as well as the proposed amendment and the integration of the existing regulation with products of market interest.

04/10/2019 Approved by ARERA with resolution 85/2020/R/gas

Regasification Code (that implements the Resolution  660/2017/R/Gas “Riforma della regolazione in materia di conferimento della capacità di rigassificazione di GNL sulla base di meccanismi di mercato (Aste)), that has been sent to the ARERA  following the conclusion of the consultation process for approval.

27/02/2018 Approved by ARERA with resolution 110/2018/R/gas

Implementation of Resolution 660/2017/R/Gas “Riforma della regolazione in materia di conferimento della capacità di rigassificazione di GNL sulla base di meccanismi di mercato (Aste)

04/12/2017 Closed consultation

For any other information, please contact:

Marika Venturi (Institutional Relations, Regulation and Commercial Manager)
Phone+39 0586.519421

Michele Tosi (Coordinator of Commercial Operations)
Phone+39 0586.519461

(courtesy translation of the regasification code: the official document the consultation refers to is the Italian one only)